Fuel Adjustment Factor (FAF) EASTBOUND - Asia to North America


Customer Notice

Fuel Adjustment Factor (FAF) EASTBOUND - Asia to North America

Valued Westwood Customer,

When we transitioned into the IMO 2020 VLSFO the Westwood Shipping Lines fuel tariffs allowed for an adjustment to fuel on a monthly basis if the fuel price differential fluctuates by $40.00 per ton.

At this time Westwood has chosen to remove the monthly fuel threshold from FAF and BC fuel filings for 2020 Q2 for both EB and WB. We also have withdrawn the March 1st monthly fuel adjustment previously filed.

Eastbound Containers FAF:
Effective April 1 through June 30th,2020 for current established service contracts and rate agreements and tariffs that are effective in 2019 or prior:

NAWC Local
$434/20; $541/40; $610/40HC
$677/20; $784/40; $853/40HC

Eastbound Containers FAF:
Effective April 1 through June 30th,2020 for newly established service contracts and rate agreements and tariffs, which are effective January 1, 2020 or forward:

NAWC Local
$115/20; $143/40; $161/40HC
$358/20; $386/40; $404/40HC

Eastbound Breakbulk FAF:
Effective April 1, 2020 through June 30th,2020:

If you have any questions or require further assistance, please contact your Westwood Sales Manager or Customer Service Specialist at 1-800-621-4371